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Monday, 9 June 2014

Why you should pay for Antivirus

The quickest answer is that they are fully functioning products which protect you proactively. Free antivirus is simply not as good. Some of the functionality is turned off which means you are vulnerable.

You have paid between £300 and upwards to £1500 for your laptop, but having it infected with a virus is the quickest way to trash it. If you are unfortunate enough to be infected with Ransomeware, you have little option but to reinstall everything again. This costs time and money if you have to take it to an expect like us. Whereas we would love to help you regain control of your precious laptop and pc it is easier and more cost effective to actually buy a proper and tried and tested fully functional antivirus product which also does Antispam, Antispyware, Identify protection, Anti-theft tracking, and does it efficiently and quietly in the background. We only recommend and use ESET as our antivirus vendor as they are the only ones that have proved to us that we are safe. Most of the laptops which come to us as infected are actually protected by Norton or Mcafee or AVG which speaks volumes in my book. Norton or Mcafee are the antivirus products most often shipped with new laptops or computers but you dont have to stick with them. You will find ESET faster, and less intrusive than either of these as ESET have designed the product with speed in mind. ESET uses a different method to assess a file which means that even never before seen virus in the wild are eliminated before they get chance to hook into your system. Once your system is hooked, it is difficult to remove those little critters without expert help.

Some people think that there is a lot of scaremongering about virus infections through using the internet. Believe me it isnt scaremongering. An unprotected PC can get infected within 5 minutes. YES, thats right, 5 MINUTES. I have had it myself when building computers, before I have had chance to download the antivirus, I have been zapped, so I know how easy it is. The risk is very real and very difficult to avoid. Think Russian Roulette, it will get you eventually if you try enough times. Some viruses have mischievous intentions by making your system behave abnormally or erratically. Others have a much more insideous nature such as those which harvest your details. It is something you probably wont be aware of as if they published their presence you would do something to rid yourself of it. It suits them better to keep a low profile whilst they are up to their dastardly deeds.

How do you know you are infected:
There are many symptoms but amongst the most common are

  • Strange toolbars showing up in your web browser
  • Unable to boot your computer
  • Blue Screen at bootup (sometimes a fake produced by a virus infection)
  • Unexplained random rebooting
  • Constant rebooting
  • Unable to go onto the internet
  • Loading inappropriate web pages when you access the internet
  • Screen blocked by virus warnings
  • Screen advising you that you are infected
  • Screen advising you that the police are watching you
  • Desktop screen goes blank
  • Antivirus product will not start
  • Unable to open programs
  • Very slow booting or generally slow or unresponsive behaviour in use
  • Hanging or crashing programs
  • Access denied to your files and programs
  • Webcam activating randomly
  • Unseen virus activity such as harvesting your address book, or personal information, or keylogging your bank logon screen. (They can replicate what you have typed). 
Virus cleaning is £45 as it takes hours of scanning time and a lot of expertise.  Most antivirus products are less than that, so what are you waiting for? Give us a call 01244646010 and protect your information and your system with ESET. It is money well spent.

ESET have won VB100 awards every single year for the last 10 years as a top rated and highly effective product.